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Monday, February 11, 2008

76L (20 gallon) Aquatic Garden: "A Volga - Caspienne reality"

76L (20 gallon) Aquatic Garden: "A Volga - Caspienne reality"
Benjamin C. Rajak, Chelsea Ma U.S.A
benrajak at

The female Betta swims about posing for a picture. Isn't she photogenic?

Same tank, different angle.

This is just the front of the tank in an angle without the sides.

Same tank, a little different set up! This is the result of upgrading the light with the addition of CO2.

The final product! A Volga Caspienne Reality!

1.Baby tears (Micranthemum micranthemoides) 2.Willow Leaf (Hygrophila polysperma Ceylon) 3.Tiger Lotus (Nymphaea lotus) 4.Water Sprite (Ceratopteris) 5.Fox tail(Myriophyllum Aquaticum) 6.Java moss (Vesicularia dubyana) 7.Tropical Bog (Cryptocoryne balansae) 8.Dwarf Sagittaria (Sagittaria Subulata) and if i am not wrong or confused i think it is mixed up with the pygmy chain sword (Echinodorus tenellus).

First time entry.
Tank Size77 x 32 x 32 cm
(30 x 13 x 13 in)
(20 gallons)
CategoryAquatic Garden
TitleA Volga - Caspienne reality
PlantsWillow Leaf (Hygrophila polysperma Ceylon), tiger Lotus (Nymphaea lotus), Water Sprite (Ceratopteris), fox tail(Myriophyllum Aquaticum), java moss (Vesicularia dubyana), Baby tears (Micranthemum micranthemoides), Dwarf Sagittaria (Sagittaria Subulata) and if i am not wrong or confused i think it is mixed up with the pygmy chain sword (Echinodorus tenellus).
Fish/AnimalsBetta Splendans (1), Cory cats (4), Siamese flying fox (4), Baby Red Melon Discus' (2)and i think i have one surviving japonica shrimp!
Driftwood only. No stones or rocks!
BackgroundFreshwater Blue.
LightingPower compact 55watts X 2 = 110watts, 6700K
FiltrationEheim 2213 external canister filter
Substrate is composed of play soil, peat and gravel. I use flourish tabs which are replaced every month and a half - two months. In combination with flourish tabs i use liquid fertilization of flourish excel after every water change and for CO2 injection i use the CO2 Natural Plant System. Considering this is the first time i have ever done something like this i know that there is much improvement needed, and it would be absolutely awesome to hear the experts give me ideas. I know that there is a little bit too much area covered with the Willow leafs and too much area in the foreground is uncovered. However, i am waiting to see what Ms. Randall, Mr. Edwards, Mr. Amano and the other judges have to say for a new hobbyist like myself. Thank you for your guidance in advance!

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